BSE 1976.30 NSE 1976.10
Other Statutory Information

Other Statutory Information

Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

Declaration of Results of E-voting

Based on the consolidated results of e-voting and Ballot, the Resolution as set out in the Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting has been approved by the Shareholders with requisite majority.

Unclaimed/unpaid dividends for the year 2017-18 onwards will be transferred to the IEPF, as under: –

Year of Dividend Date of Declaration of Dividend Due Date for transfer to IEPF
2023-2024 02.08.2024 07.09.2031
2022-2023 03.08.2023 08.09.2030
2021-2022 03.08.2022 08.09.2029
2020–2021 11.08.2021 16.09.2028
2019-2020 12.08.2020 17.09.2027
2018-2019 07.08.2019 12.09.2026
2017-2018 08.08.2018 13.09.2025

The following unpaid dividend payment of the Company have already been transferred to the Investor Education & Protection Fund (IEPF) as under :-

Year of Dividend Date of Dividend Date of Transfer
2016-17 05.08.2017 25.09.2024
2015-16 06.08.2016 14.09.2023
2014-15 27.07.2015 19.09.2022
2013 – 14 (Final) 31.07.2014 14.09.2021
2013-2014 (Interim) 21.02.2014 25.03.2021
2012-2013 07.08.2013 07.10.2020
2011-2012 25.07.2012 19.09.2019
2010-2011 28.07.2011 21.09.2018
2009-2010 29.07.2010 08.09.2017
2008-2009 30.07.2009 07.09.2016
2007-2008 23.07.2008 03.09.2015
2006-2007 20.07.2007 25.08.2014
2005-2006 26.07.2006 30.08.2013
2004-2005 29.07.2005 27.08.2012
2003-2004 30.07.2004 29.08.2011
2002-2003 08.08.2003 15.09.2010
2001-2002 (Final) 03.09.2002 14.10.2009
2001-2002 (Interim) 15.02.2002 13.03.2009
2000-2001 26.09.2001 04.11.2008


Appointment of Registrar and Share Transfer Agent of the Company Shareholders, Beneficial Owners, Depository Participants and all other persons concerned dealing in the shares of Lupin Limited (‘the Company’) are hereby informed that the Company has appointed MUFG Intime India Pvt. Ltd. (‘MUFG Intime’) as the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent of the Company, with effect from June 15, 2018. All persons concerned are hereby requested to send/deliver all the documents/correspondence relating to the transmission of shares, deletion of name, change of address (physical shares), issue of duplicate share certificates, claim of unpaid dividend/unclaimed shares, dematerialization of shares etc. pertaining to shares of the Company to the MUFG Intime at the following address:

MUFG Intime India Pvt. Ltd.
Unit: Lupin Limited
C-101, 247 Park,
L.B.S. Marg, Vikhroli (West),
Mumbai – 400 083

The dedicated e-mail id for shareholders of the Company for communication with MUFG Intime is and contact tel. nos. are: +91 810 811 6767. Toll free no.1800 1020 878.

KYC updation as per SEBI Circular dated March 16, 2023

Investor Contacts